Innovation prize

We all face issues and problems every day in our work environment and we may come up with different and creative solutions to solve them. At Gulrang Ventures, we have provided a platform so that you can express your work issues, needs and challenges and present your ideas and innovative solutions to solve them.

Audience Innovation Award

  • This idea generation opportunity for all Golrang colleagues in any company, field or level they operate; There is. All 45,000 of our colleagues across the country...


  • This idea generation opportunity for all Golrang colleagues in any company, field or level they operate; There is. All 45,000 of our colleagues across the country...



first person

100,000,000 Toman

second person

75،000،000 Toman

third person

50،000،000 Toman

fourth person

45،000،000 Toman

fifth person

40،000،000 Toman

sixth person

35،000،000 Toman

seventh person

30،000،000 Toman

eighth person

25،000،000 Toman

ninth person

20،000،000 Toman

tenth person

15،000،000 Toman

11th to 20th person

10،000،000 Toman

+ Golrang Ventures innovation statue

Important points in the evaluation of plans

  • Applicability of the idea
  • The extent of learning
  • Innovativeness of the idea
  • The degree of annoyance of the problem it solves
  • Profitability
  • ...




The innovation award is just the beginning of the story of Golrang colleagues' innovation, and the system of registering innovative ideas on the Golrang Ventures website will continue its activity after the end of this event, and we introduce the "innovative partner of the season" every season.