first name and last name
Phone number
Year of Birth
Field of Study
شهر محل فعالیت
Do you have a team? —Please choose an option—Yesno
Introduce your team members (first and last name / field of study / year of birth)
What stage are you in to enter the innovation camp? —Please choose an option—A person interested in starting a business in the field of livestock and poultryI have an ideaI have the original productI have entered the market and sold the product
What is your current educational status? —Please choose an option—StudyingGraduated
If you are a graduate, what is your last degree and if you are studying, what is your current degree? —Please choose an option—High schooldiplomaAssociate degreeMastersMastersP.H.D
are you working —Please choose an option—Yesno
Is your current job related to this field? —Please choose an option—Yesno
What is the purpose of entering Golrang Ventures innovation camp and what do you expect from it?
از چه طریقی با کمپ نوآوری دام و طیور آشنا شدید؟
If you have an explanation and a question has not been asked for it, please state it.
Please enter an answer in digits:
twelve − 6 =